Travel Nursing Careers with TRS Healthcare

Thinking about becoming a travel nurse? TRS Healthcare can help you take the next step in your nursing career. We have travel nursing assignments for a variety of nursing specialties throughout the U.S. Become a TRS nurse today!

Young Black nurse in purple scrubs wearing stethoscope scrolling on smartphone

What Is Travel Nursing?

Travel nursing is a healthcare career path for nurses—primarily registered nurses (RNs)—who are interested in taking temporary short-term or long-term assignments at hospitals and clinics across the country.


Typical durations for travel nursing assignments are 13 weeks, with some assignments between 8 weeks and 26 weeks. Nurses often work with a travel nursing recruitment company, like TRS Healthcare, to find opportunities that fit their career goals, location interests, financial needs, and lifestyle requirements.

Why Become a Travel Nurse?

There are many reasons why RNs turn to travel nursing after working as staff nurses. Whether it’s to revitalize their career, improve job security, find better pay and benefits, expand nursing skills in new healthcare settings, explore different cities and cultures, or utilize expertise to provide quality care in underserved communities, working as a traveling nurse can be a rewarding prospect.


If you’re looking for travel nursing jobs that allow you to work with different populations, provide a change of pace, and help build up your résumé, a career as a travel nurse might be the perfect opportunity for you.

Young nurse checking IV bag connection in hospital

"Taylor is the kind of recruiter who not only works hard FOR you but works WITH you in every aspect of the job that help you achieve your goals…When I’m asked about traveling, I always recommend Taylor and TRS."

Brian C., RN

"I was referred to Shaunna by a nurse friend of mine who was with TRS…[Shaunna] is an advocate for her nurses. I have proudly and confidently recommended her to my nurse friends who are looking for a recruiter."

Shelly M., RN

"Spencer is the best recruiter I have ever had. He is responsive and works hard to find positions and get things moving quickly…Working for TRS has been a great experience and having Spencer as my recruiter has been the very best!"

Amy H., RN

How Travel Nursing with TRS Healthcare Works

Travel nurses can apply for TRS Healthcare travel jobs through our website or by getting in touch with a recruiter. We make it easy for our travelers to get as much—or as little—assistance as they need while on their travel nursing career journey. Our process typically goes like this...

Step 1

You apply for a travel nursing assignment at a healthcare facility through TRS Healthcare.

Step 2

Our team works with you to build your traveler profile, confirm your licenses and credentials, and prepare you for your job interview so that you can put your best foot forward.

Step 3

Once the position is offered and you accept the assignment, we help you get ready to relocate and provide housing assistance, if needed.

Step 4

You sign your travel agreement, get packed up for relocation, and start your travel assignment.

Step 5

Our team checks in with you on a regular basis to ensure you’re happy with your experience.

Step 6

Before your current assignment ends, we reach out to help you extend your current assignment, move onto a new location, or take a break before accepting another assignment.

If you have questions about available job opportunities or how facility contracts work, our travel nurse recruiters are happy to discuss travel nursing options with you in more detail!
Not only do we provide 401(k) retirement plans, full-coverage health insurance, and other great benefits, but our Recruitment team also works to place you where your compensation goals are met.
When relocating as a travel nurse, you’ll need a place to live. Our Housing team works with you to find the best accommodations for your lifestyle, your financial situation, and your comfort.
Licensing & Credentials
After you receive your job offer, our Credentials team establishes your work history, certifications, screenings, licensing, and more so that you can get started with your travel nursing contract on time.
We want you to feel confident and comfortable with your travel assignment. If you encounter issues at your facility, our Clinical team is available to work with you and the facility to resolve issues quickly.

Find a Travel Nursing Job with TRS Healthcare

Cutout of two young friends walking arm-in-arm laughing against a transparent background

Recommend an RN to
TRS Healthcare

Have a friend who’s a registered nurse? Recommend them to TRS Healthcare, and you’ll get a referral bonus up to $1,000. Your friend will also get a $250 bonus when they start their assignment. Get rewarded by helping your friends and colleagues have a great career with TRS Healthcare!